Tuesday 29 May 2012

Tag Offer

I have another tag offer on, this one is open until next Tuesday, if you'd like a tag like this with your name on just email me janeashdown721@msn.com with the name you'd like on the tag and I'll send back via email to you. Please put Tag Offer in the title (so I don't miss it! Also please tell me if you'd like it in png format or jpeg!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Blinkie Calendars For June

Ok this is going to a trip down memory lane for people who had or belonged to msn groups...BLINKIES! They were so popular, especially the little calender ones that I have made below. I happened to find the tutorial on how to make them and spent a very happy afternoon creating them. I have added one to my sidebar on this blog so they are perfect for blogs too!
You can take them and share them (tell people where you got it from! lol!), put them on your blog or website, I have not added any credit to them but please don't cliam as your own work.
To download click on the one of your choice and then save from the new window. Please leave me a comment if you like them!

Monday 21 May 2012

Patterned iPhone Wallpapers

Yes I know, more iPhone wallpapers..sorry but I'm on a roll, be something different soon I promise! To download these goodies just click on the image of your choice and save to your pc from the new window.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Free Blue iPhone Wallpapers

This a request, but anyone can use them. 4 blue (for boys!) iPhone wallpapers. To download just click on the image of your choice and save to your phone from the new window

Wednesday 16 May 2012

iPhone Wallpaper

Made this iPhone wallpaper as a test, to download click on the image and save from the new window, please let me know if it's the right size if you try it!

Ok I have it on oath that this wallpaper fits an iPhone perfectly!
Thanks Mark for testing!

Ebooks R Us

This is a brand new forum all about ebooks, you can post and chat about the ones you have read, have a look at the free ebook list and much more. Please come along and join us if you are an ebook reader. We are still building so please bare with us!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Request A Tag!

Every now and then I will put up a tag offer, you can request one with your name on. The offers will be available for one week from posting only..so get your request in quick! To put your request in, email me at janeashdown721@msn.com please put tag request in the subject line, I will then send you your tag via email back to you. Here's is my first offer.
****Offer now closed****

Monday 14 May 2012

A Free Baby Shower Invite

Haven't had much time to create alot over the weekend but I did do this baby shower invite, Just for personal use only

To download click on the image and save from the new window. Images used are from Wrapped For Life

*Coming tomorrow a free request tag!*

Sunday 13 May 2012

Craft Artist - Free Programme

I am so excited about this programme! I stumbled upon it last night, downloaded it and spent a very happy hour playing around with it. It's called Craft Artist, it's made by Serif and a completely free download, you have the option to upgrade - for a price. However having played with the free version for a while, it's a great free programme.
You can make things like cards, photo books, scrapbooks and much more, there are templates you can work on, or deisgn your own (which I haven't got to yet!)

There is also a lovely community called the Daisy Trail  where you can get more free stuff to add to your programme, plus help and support from other members.

If you like making your own cards, scrapbooks or layouts, you'll love this programme! When I get something finished and half decent I'll post it on here! Watch this space as they say!

To download this programme go here

Saturday 12 May 2012

Free Paint Shop Pro Tubes

If you are like me and love creating with Paint Shop Pro or any other graphic programme (oh now there's another post to do lol!) then you'll love getting free tubes to play with, below are my favourite sites that I use when I feel creative. Be sure to read each sites Term of Use.

Those are my top 5 sites that are totally free to download, some of the above sties also have a member section where you get alot more choice.

Also the above sites create their own work using a software programme, they haven't scanned pictures from books.
Remember if you see a psp tube that looks (very cute!) yet you recognise it from a film, book or whatever my advice to you is DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT!


Friday 11 May 2012

My Hollie!

I thought I would introduce you to the only other female in the family (well, apart from me that is!) and that is my seven month old chocolate brown labrador, Hollie. She is the cutest dog ever and we all totally love her to bits!

She is going to be a very loyal dog as she grows, she is so lovable....but very hard work! lol! Luckily she is not the first dog we have had, so we knew what to expect..never leave ANYTHING laying about that you treasure, else it will be chewed and so far nothing of importance has been...phew!

She likes nothing more then curling up on my lap (even though she getting a wee bit too big lol!) and snuggling her head into my neck! Anyway here a few pics of her, staring with when she was a very young puppy..hope you like them.

Free Ebooks

Ok, this is not a creative post, not all my posts will be. but I thought I'd share my ereading experience with you all!

My hubby brought me the Kobo Vox Ereader for my birthday this year (after much thought I agreed to have one!) and I have to say I love it! I've always been an avid reader, loved my books with a passion only a like-minded reader would understand, can never throw away these much-loved treasures and I always will love the feel and smell of a brand new book! However my ereader has opened up many doors on my reading world, it's given me the chance to read loads and loads of free books by new authors as well as old favourite classics. In fact the first book I downloaded was A Christmas Carol..my all time fav!!

Here is the Kobo Vox
The Kobo website also has free apps that you can use either on your phone, pc or tablet
Be sure to check out the feree section, also a good tip is if you go on to the books page and in the search put a book, author or genre, click search, then in the little drop down box above the books click on the wee arrow for the list and choose "free" loads more come up.

I also found out how to download the kindle app and so I can also check out the Kindle books on Amazon...which for the free books are very good. Another good tip on google type in free ebooks and loads of sites will come up, you won't find acclompished authors but you will find new authors and classics.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Facebook Timeline Covers

Here a few Facebook Timline covers for you to use, there will be more to come! To download click on the image and save from the new window, tell your friends where you got them from!

To use these covers save to your pc as instructed above, upload to your facebook photo album, go to your profile and click on your old cover to change.

Horse Bookmark

A free bookmark for you to download, there is a front and back, however you don't have to download both if you don't want to. If you download just the front, the back will be plain and if you like you can add your name on it or doodle lol! Downloading the front and back means after cutting round the edges you then will have to stick them both together and then I would suggest laminating them to keep it clean. Hope you enjoy it!

To download click on the images and right click and save from the new window.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Free Printable Invitations

These printable invites are all approx 6 x 8 inches and are free for you to download and use for your own personal use. To download just click on the invite you want, a new window will open, right click on that one and save.

Images used to create thes invites was from Outlaw By Design.